The Life of a Trimmigrant

. While hitchhiking around Northern California and Southern Oregon recently, I encountered dozens of nomads thumbing rides on Highway 101, pitching tents under bridges or parking their vans in unused parking lots for the night, cooking organic vegan food on propane stoves, and wandering around towns with small scissors hanging Continue Reading

Norway: Living on Excess

Every August, a number of hitchhikers from around the world gather somewhere in Europe to meet new friends, reconnect with old friends, and celebrate the life of freedom that they have discovered through non-consumerist travel. The location of each Hitchgathering is decided whenever somebody suggests a good spot that fits Continue Reading

Kyrgyzstan Chapter 1: Initial Interactions

  Background Traveling in Kyrgyzstan was an experience completely different from anywhere else I’ve been. I mean, not just a cliche “they have different architecture and good food” kind of unique, but this country added a whole new level to my understanding of how people live in this world. Being Continue Reading